For mom, on her first Mother's Day

Becoming a mother has been one of the most transformative experiences of my life. It has helped me grow, learn new things and see the world with different eyes. Step by step, I am evolving towards a better version of myself, as a woman and as a mother, and over the years, I have lived many adventures and unique moments at this stage of my life.

Therefore, today that we celebrate Mother's Day, I would like to dedicate some words to all those women who are celebrating Mother's Day for the first time.

For mom, on her first Mother's Day

"Mom", a word of only four letters, but that encompasses a whole world in it. Perhaps you have become accustomed to this new role, or perhaps it still seems strange to you that this new title will come to your life as a first-time mother.

I remember that once, when my daughter was a few months old, someone asked me: And what does it feel like to be a mom? The word seemed so strange to me, as something that was not yet completely with me. But it was, now it was "mom" and it was there, when I began to realize the weight of that sweet word.

Being a mother is not only opening the way to a new life. Being a mom is much more than that. Because when you become a mother, the woman you were before gives rise to a new, improved and more beautiful version of yourself. You don't disappear, you just transform.

You will notice that many things in you, besides your body, have changed. Your way of thinking and seeing the world is a totally different one. Because now it is not only about you, but about that beautiful little person who has come to fill your days with laughter and beautiful moments.

You may feel that these first months are confusing and difficult. And they are, but believe me when I tell you that it won't be like this all my life. When you least expect it, those sleepless nights will become less and as time goes by, your baby will need you less and less.

So one of the first tips I want to give you is the following: enjoy every day. Yes, even those days where the nights seem eternal and your baby just wants to be stuck with you, making it almost impossible for you to do many things. Time flies and he will only be small once.

If you feel overwhelmed, tired or need a break: ask for help. You will not be less mother nor is it selfish to wish a little time for yourself, especially now that you are in charge of caring for and protecting a small baby 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You also need to take care of yourself and pamper yourself.

During the first days, months and even years, it is quite common to feel lost and doubt yourself, your skills and abilities as a mother. But you are a better mother than you think. Don't be so hard on yourself we were all at some point in that place and we all felt equally lost.

Surely you've heard of the maternal instinct. Yes, the one that appears almost as if by magic when our children are born (although some may arrive a little later). Trust him. Listen to it and let it guide you. If there is something you do not like or on the contrary, you think that what you choose is the best option, trust that inner voice.

Listen to the advice, but don't be overwhelmed by following them all. Many times, with the intention of helping us, people advise us and it turns out that some advice does not go with others who told us. Do not feel obliged to follow them, and focus on finding the best for you and your baby.

If you ever feel fear, doubt or insecurity, remember this: you're the best mom your baby can have. You are extraordinary and I am sure you will do great.

Of all the Baby team and more, We send you a lot of love on your first Mother's Day. Congratulations mom!

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In Babies and more | Why all mothers are extraordinary, The mother I thought I would be and the mother I am