The Mother Kangaroo Method

He Kangaroo Mother Method It refers to the care of premature children through close skin-to-skin contact with their mother. It is an effective and easy to apply method, proposed by the World Health Organization, which promotes the health and well-being of both premature babies and those born at term with or without low weight.

The distinctive feature of this option to the care of the newborn is early, continuous and prolonged skin to skin between the mother and the baby, contributing to the humanization of neonatal care. We all know that frequent incubators and often unnecessarily separate moms from their babies, depriving them of the necessary and vital contact. This procedure allows to cover the baby's needs in terms of heat, food, immunity to infections, stimulation, safety and love. The technique was born as an alternative to incubator care, inadequate and insufficient, avoiding the trajín that predominates in a neonatology room. Babies can be discharged in a short time and mothers can continue to provide this care at home once they have learned it. Research has shown that the Kangaroo Mother Method has an effective impact on temperature control, breastfeeding and the development of emotional bonds related to all infants, regardless of the environment, weight, gestational age and their clinical situation

More information: Practical guide to the Kangaroo Mother Method (pdf)

Video: Benefits of kangaroo care for you & your baby (July 2024).