Sleep alone in your bed

Some parents, when the child wakes up at night, take him to his bed to avoid having to move to his room if he wakes up again. This is a bad habit that the child ends up adopting and once he has reached a certain age, two or three years, it is quite difficult to get him used to sleep alone in your bed And in your room.

To get him to go back to bed, we must be gentle while signing with him. We have to explain to our son what is going to happen from that moment, that he must learn to sleep in his room and in his bed.

We must start the ritual that we have established for bedtime, tell a story, kiss him good night and explain that we will return in a short time. The goal is for the child to be left alone in his room and it doesn't matter if he doesn't sleep. At first the child will try by all means to return to the previous routine (he will cry to go to the parents' bed), since he does not understand that he should sleep alone, it is normal, when accompanied by his parents or relatives all day He doesn't like the moment he has to stay alone.

If the child vomits, we must show calm, approach his side and tell him that nothing is wrong, we will clean him and change his clothes and we will stay with him until he calms down, but then we will tell him that he has to fall asleep alone and leave.

With the days, we will increase the waiting times to go see him until he falls asleep. With this system, you will begin to fall asleep without claiming our presence.

Video: TIPS. Getting Your Kid to Sleep ALONE! (June 2024).