When mom works from home

Thanks to the new technologies and the current characteristics of the labor market, more and more jobs can be done from home, without having to go to the office or office more than occasionally. Therefore, there are many women who consider the possibility of working from home. This option can allow us who are already mothers, to better combine our role with our work activity. Here I tell you some important aspects to consider before deciding to Work from home To be closer to your children.

Some questions you can ask yourself before starting:

  • Am I sure my work can be done from home?
  • Am I able to organize and follow the rules that I impose on myself?
  • Am I able to afford somewhat irregular income, or not charge for several months until my activity becomes lucrative?
  • Do I have a suitable place to work, a corner just for me where I can be calm and concentrate on what I have to do?
  • Will I be able to work alone, without the company of other colleagues?
  • Do I have the time to develop my activity?
  • Will I have the support of my family? Will they take what they do seriously? Will they collaborate with me in household chores or in relation to children?

To be honest, the main question has been for me to determine how much time I would devote to work and how much to be with my daughters. Once I was able to separate the hours allocated to my activity from those I spent sharing with my family, I felt a great relief. It's just a matter of organizing!