Umbilical Cord Care

The umbilical cord is the vital line of communication between the baby and the mother during pregnancy. However, once the baby is born the umbilical cord Stop being indispensable. A few minutes after birth, doctors hold the cord with a cauterizing clamp and cut it near the navel. The function of this clamp is to stop the bleeding of cord blood vessels (a vein and two arteries). Then, doctors imbibe the area with an antiseptic liquid.

The clamp can be removed when the cord is completely dry. When this happens, a small stump remains that will need to be cleaned and taken care of until it falls; This happens two to three weeks after the baby's life. This stump can be a focus of infection of the baby's body, so it requires some specific care.

The pediatrician will tell you how to protect the area and ask you to keep it dry and exposed to the air. For this, you must take care that the cord is out of the diaper; Some brands of diapers for newborns come with a cut at the level of the navel, but if you don't get this type you can fold the edge of the diaper down. Another frequent recommendation of doctors is to gently rub a cotton ball soaked in alcohol over the cord and the surroundings every time you change diapers. You should do it very carefully to avoid spilling alcohol on the baby; If this happens, change the change of clothes. This procedure should continue for a few days after the cord falls, to ensure that the area heals completely.

Some warning signs: bleeding, pus or white discharge, redness and swelling around the belly button and signs that the baby is feeling pain in the area. Urgently consult the doctor in any of these cases.

Video: 30 Umbilical Cord Care (July 2024).