Moms and dads bloggers. Part I

Every day there are more moms and dads who decide to open a blog to tell their experiences as parents. They are an open space for the exchange of joys, points of view, educational styles and also, of course, to tell about those moments of stress and uncertainty that we often suffer in this trade.

I leave here several links of this network of parents "bloggers":

Maxiavida is learning to be a mom and takes it very well, as she says and thanks to her supernena she has developed super powers: surpassed that at night she detects the first noise of hunger, super force to lift any object with one hand (while raising the drink with the other), x-ray vision (when in the shower you know perfectly how the baby is).

Meibell from New York tells us about the achievements and advances of Maya and Diego. And Maya is a model: her photo has been chosen as The baby image of day in Blogging Baby. Today his boys illustrate this post.

For Cecilia, mosquitoes change your blood for a grain. He writes his dad in the blog Words Children. A blog to write down the phrases said by your girls. It has no waste.

The mother of the wonderful hands Olivia-P, a delight in Chuculeta with mouse. Pao has had a great time with the family in the snow. He tells it in Neither yes nor no, neither white nor black.

From Mexico TEST (matr) IMONIO Claudia and Alberto, Sofia's parents publish in their space their experiences and learning as parents and as a couple. They say that he does not skimp on someone else's head.

Carmen from Tenerife has her space My crazy little ones, the mother of the turtles and the bookmarks.

A clueless dad, a very good mom cook and a baby with a French girlfriend in Alex Gonzalo-Adventures of a baby.

Mariana from Argentina writes in Being a mother. A blog written with great sensitivity.

We also have an Argentinean mother and an Argentinean dad. Sebastian is Andalú.

Mother there is only one and that is María José.

Go take a look at these fantastic blogs, which will come more in the next installment.

Video: Moms Bloggers vs. Dad Bloggers for SXSW (July 2024).