The navel culture

The navel is a small scar of all useless in the center of our belly, but for all mankind, the navel has given incredible symbolic significance. If you are a Christian, you will know that Cain was the first human who had a belly button, his parents Adam and Eve were not born of a woman. In Genesis, the first book of the Bible, it says nothing about the word navel, nor its origin.

There is a Turkish legend that says that after Allah gave life to the first human being, the devil became so enraged that he spat on the belly of the newly created, and to remedy this aggression, Allah cut off the contaminated skin, leaving in place a small hole

For the Greeks it was the center of the world because it was located between the head and the genitals. The navel has been a source of myths, fantasies, taboos and venerations, humanity has given absolute importance to this birthmark, a scar that is formed by cutting the umbilical cord.

Today, the mystical symbolism of the navel has virtually disappeared, but in reality it is much more than a symbol. In addition to having been the source of food for our children, medicine makes good use at times when an endoscopic operation must be performed, in addition to being a donation organ.

Video: FFXIV Stormblood Navel Guide for All Roles (July 2024).