Mothers who do not want (or cannot) breastfeed

Each one raises its children as it wants or it seems. There are mothers who for two reasons do not want or cannot breastfeed their children. They miss it, but it is perfectly respectable. Of course, It is no less mother or bad mother who does not breastfeed her baby.

Those of us who have had it easy remember it as a wonderful experience, but for some women, breastfeeding is a nightmare. Some say they never have the famous rise of milk, although they always tell us that while there is suction there will be milk, but it seems that it is not so easy. In other cases, the baby "does not catch on" or the pain is so unbearable that they leave, producing a strong sense of frustration in the mother.

Breastfeeding is a mutual act that both the baby and the mother should enjoy. Of course there are motives and motives. There are mothers who fear that their breasts will fall out, they may feel uncomfortable or they simply do not feel like it.

I am pro-lactation, the proof is that I have breastfed my daughter for a year, so I have also received some criticism. People always think, just in case. And one also criticizes jugs to mothers who do not want or cannot breastfeed without knowing the reasons.

Therefore, it is one thing to advise breastfeeding that I certainly do, to inform about its multiple benefits and to recommend that moment of connection with your baby that is so exciting.

But life will not stop giving you exciting moments with your children and after all, each one does what he wants.

Video: When Breastfeeding Doesnt Come Naturally (July 2024).