The Grantly Dick-Read Method

In his book Childbirth without fear (Birth without fear), first published in the 40s, Dr. Grantly Dick-Read attracted public attention to the principles of natural childbirth.

His philosophy was to try to reduce and eliminate as much as possible the fear, tension and pain produced by these emotions, through adequate education and moral support.

The Grantly Dick-Read method teaches you to control tension, although it emphasizes the fact that knowledge destroys fear and avoids tension, which in turn controls pain. To achieve all this there are courses that include breathing exercises and breathing control, muscle relaxation, information about what should happen in a normal situation and what you can do to help yourself.

This method also teaches to seek support in the form of guidance, encouragement and understanding. Grantly Dick-Read attaches great importance to preparation for motherhood and childbirth itself.

You can find the books written by Dr. Grantly Dick-Read in the Pinter & Martin publishing house. Unfortunately, the editions are in English. If you are interested in natural childbirth techniques, we recommend the articles from the Holí website, where you will find many and varied information related to the humanization of labor and other related topics.

Video: Bradley Method Home Birth Story- Positive Natural Birth (July 2024).