A book for creative children

It is an activity guide for children between 2 and 6 years old that helps boost children's creativity, think creatively, one of the main aspirations of all parents.

Niños Creativos offers endless activities to identify the artistic, musical, dramatic, scientific and literary talent of the little ones through manual work, games with movement, music and body expression, representations, exercises with numbers, words, natural elements and songs ...

The nature of creativity and its relationship with imagination, intelligence and talent are explained in the first part of the book. The effects that have an adequate environment and support on the child's development, as well as sexual stereotypes and their place in the family, are analyzed. It also contains a guide to identify the incipient skills of the child and thus enhance them by encouraging them to perform activities appropriate to their level.

So that the follow-up is complete, follow-up tables, suggestions, informative tables and explanatory illustrations are offered so that parents understand, stimulate and follow step by step the development of their child's creativity in all areas, from drawing and painting even science or gardening.

Parramón Editions | 144 pages | ISBN 84-342-3051-8 | 17.50 euros

Video: Write and illustrate your children's picture book with Curtis Brown Creative (May 2024).