Complications in pregnancy due to fibroid tumors

According to a study by researchers at the University of California, San Francisco (United States), fibroids increase the likelihood of possible complications during pregnancy. Fibroids affect fetal position, premature birth and cesarean delivery.

These types of tumors are usually detected on ultrasounds that are performed during pregnancy and are the most frequently seen tumors in the female reproductive system. They are also known as uterine fibroids, fibroids or leiomyomas. These types of tumors appear compacted and firm, since they are made of muscle cells and fibrous connective tissue that usually develop in the uterus.

According to specialists, up to 30% of women who are of reproductive age have fibroids, but the reality is that they do not get to diagnose all cases. Up to 75% of women develop at some point in their reproductive life one of these tumors, but in order for them to be detected, they must be large enough, their size can reach that comparable to an apple. According to the study carried out, in a comparison of 15,000 women, women who had these tumors were detected were 64% more likely to have a premature birth, 59% of the position of the fetus was not adequate and 45 % of giving birth before term.

At the moment it is still being investigated, since it is not known what is the relationship between this tumor and obstetric complications, what is clear is the obstruction caused by this tumor in uterine dilation.

Video: Fibroids & Pregnancy (July 2024).