Keys to go to the supermarket with the children

For some parents, shopping with children can become a torture rather than a walk.

Going to the supermarket with a two or three year old can be very stressful or a pleasant experience, depending on how we organize ourselves.

Here are some keys to go shopping at the supermarket with the children and not go crazy trying.

  • If possible, go during the week at a time when there are few people, such as early in the morning or early in the afternoon.

  • Before entering, explain what we are going to do and that we need you to sit in the car seat and have to behave.

  • In some supermarkets there are small carts or baskets with casters that children can carry and they find it very fun. You can let them put the products they consume there like their milk, their wipes, etc.

  • Put together a shopping list so you don't waste time and extend your purchase too much.

  • Organize a tour so as not to be from one side of the supermarket to the other looking for the products.

  • We can take some cookies or a toy so that the child is distracted for a while while shopping.

  • Make it a participant in the purchase with comments of the type “we are going to buy the strawberry yogurts that you like so much”. This will keep you entertained.

  • In the cart they are within reach of everything, so you will surely put in the car things that you do not intend to buy. Remove them sneakily when I don't see you to avoid tantrums.

  • Finally, if he has behaved well, congratulate him and reward him at the start.

Video: Emma Pretend Play Shopping with Giant Grocery Store Super Market Toy (July 2024).