Allergies in children have tripled in the last 30 years

Allergies in children have tripled in the last 30 years and it is not difficult to understand the reason for this increase, tobacco, environmental pollution and even rising temperatures cause allergies to develop.

The extreme hygiene that does not allow the child's immune system to develop properly is also greatly influenced. In addition, when a child becomes ill, even if it is something simple like a cold, using medicines and antibiotics also prevents the body's defenses from reacting properly and therefore the immune character is not strengthened.

Javier Dorca, specialist in Nutrition and Dietetics, explains that as society is today, the development of the immune system of children is much later and that for it to be strengthened, adequate nutrition is necessary. The truth is that it is something that parents should take into account, the data reflect this, up to 20% of Spanish children suffer from some type of allergy, but it is not an isolated fact, since in other developed countries they have this Very similar index to Spanish.

On previous occasions we have mentioned how important nutrition is, how undesirable is extreme cleaning, etc., are data to consider if we do not want our children to develop some kind of allergy.

Video: My Leg Has Tripled in Size (July 2024).