UNICEF, Prince of Asturias Award for Concord

UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund), has been awarded the Prince of Asturias Award for Concord, recognition for the work done. Currently, this organization works closely with 191 countries around the world, be they national, international organizations or governments, among others.

Since 1946, the date on which it was founded, its priorities have been verified over the years, children, their needs, everything that surrounds the world of childhood. Thanks to this organization, vaccines aimed at the poorest places on the planet are procured, drugs to cure various diseases, logistic and specific support for the different problems children suffer in each of these countries, all a great work that moves thousands of people interested in improving the quality of life of all children. Thanks to UNICEF, thousands of deaths are avoided, reducing child mortality by up to 25%. The education of the little ones is also one of the tasks where the organization emphasizes, the reality is that an adequate education allows to expand the possibilities of these children and of this, the organization has full awareness.

The goals that UNICEF currently has are to eradicate poverty and extreme hunger, to achieve universal primary education, to continue with the reduction of infant mortality, to carry out an adequate prevention of the different diseases that plague our planet through education or to fight against violence and child abuse among others.

We hope that they will achieve these goals, although they will need the help of all countries, hopefully politics, power or money will not interfere in the great social work that UNICEF does.

Video: Children in carnival fashion Peace in the world UNICEF (July 2024).