School adaptation

In these early days of the school year, many parents and teachers have witnessed the sea of ​​tears in which some children have plunged. For the little ones it is an alteration in their lives, it represents abandoning the family setting and they must adapt to the school environment.

The truth is that this change is assumed differently by each child and it is we and the teachers who must help them to understand and to enter into this new world that begins for them, the school adaptation.

It is important and appropriate that during the first days of this change we are the parents who accompany the child to school and even share a short period of time inside the classroom, although not all schools or nurseries allow. Presenting the child to the rest of his classmates by the hand of his parents is a more accepted way of integration by the child. Security and trust are two basic rules that we must transmit to the children, parents should never show fear because the child goes to school, nor should they see the reflection of the doubt on our faces, because we will only be able to create greater instability in them.

The children's classrooms are prepared to face the new situation of the children with the best way, a pleasant and welcoming environment contributes to a better adaptation, if in addition the teacher is an accessible and affective person the objective (adaptation to school) It will be more bearable.

Remember that during the first few days many children need to take some of their familiar frame that gives them security, allow them to do so since the penalties are more enjoyable with a loved object.

In the end, the new classroom experience will be rewarding and grateful for the children.

Video: Middle School: The Worst Adaptation of My Life (July 2024).