Banana is a very nutritious food

Most children love bananas, in fact it is one of the first fruits that are introduced into their diet. It is very important not to do without Banana, because it is very nutritious, combines the energy of carbohydrates with vitamins, such as C and B6 and essential minerals.

Its high content of potassium, phosphorus and magnesium makes it an ideal food for people with certain physical activity, such as children and athletes, these minerals are very important for muscle function and prevents cramps.

Perhaps there are still people who think that the banana gets fat, which is a mistake, although it is a more caloric fruit than others, such as apples, it only has 80 kcal. per 100 grams. Among other qualities, the banana is poor in sodium, the sugars are slow absorption and combat constipation. In addition, its soluble fiber content helps regulate the level of cholesterol.

You can take it at breakfast, at snack or as a dessert, alone or by introducing it in the porridge, in yogurt, etc. It is convenient that you are in your optimum state of maturity, your skin should be yellow and with dark “pints”.

Is there any more excuse for our children to eat a banana a day? Yes, that its flavor and texture is exquisite, surely with the banana it is much simpler for the little ones to eat a piece of fruit, but remember that it should not be the only one.

Whether at breakfast, at snack or as a dessert, your child will enjoy a banana at its optimum ripeness.

Video: Nutrition & Healthy Eating : Health Benefits of Eating Bananas (July 2024).