Diary of my pregnancy: my baby was born

I promised that I would have my second daughter's birth with hair and signs. After having shared with you feelings and impressions for nine months through the Diary of my pregnancy, I cannot stop telling you about the happy outcome that happened a few days ago: Victoria's birth.

I did not break waters in the cinema or the contractions caught me by surprise making the purchase. As I commented in a previous post, the delivery was scheduled.

That day I woke up in the morning and we left with my husband to the hospital, fresh as two lettuces.

After the pertinent preparations, the drip was injected in the middle of the morning and an hour later, when the pains of the contractions began to feel, the blessed epidural arrived.

Three hours later, between some small tremors produced by anesthesia and (I will not deny it) also by nerves, on a beautiful day in late summer and after just a couple of bids, Victoria looked out. I felt the same emotion as in my first birth, although this could be said to be more real, more conscious. Being an "experienced" parturient, I already knew what I was doing and I could enjoy the moment more.

Needless to say, the moment I saw my baby's face for the first time. Together with the previous delivery, there are two moments that will remain etched on fire forever. Without a doubt, I will remember them as the two happiest moments of my life.

I want to thank those who have followed my story these nine months, the love, the courage in the low moments and the suggestions of names for my daughter through the comments.

It has been a very nice experience to share my second pregnancy and the happiness of my daughter's birth with you, the readers.

Thank you all! Someday she will thank you too. For now, he debuts on the net showing his hindquarters (photo).

This is how the Diary of my pregnancy ends, but I will continue to share experiences on the blog as a happy new mother twice.

Video: Mom's Diary. 엄마를 부탁해 - (July 2024).