La doula, to help you in pregnancy

The doula, to help you in pregnancy Many women are assaulted by various doubts during pregnancy, body changes, what discomforts will arise with pregnancy, such as preparing properly for childbirth, etc.

In countries like Germany or the United Kingdom among others, there is the call doula, this is a person who has experience in all the issues that are related to childbirth and is responsible for providing physical and emotional support before, during and after childbirth.

In Spain the figure of the doula is not very well known and the role played by this figure is not known for sure. The help offered by doula is of a professional nature, during pregnancy it provides theoretical and practical explanations about pregnancy and childbirth. He advises you on the appropriate exercises at each stage of pregnancy, prepares you psychologically to face new experiences or problems that may arise. The doula becomes the person who knows you most during this period, visits you periodically and her visits are accentuated as the pregnancy approaches its end, even if you are not well and need your assistance, just call by phone so that She comes to provide you with the necessary help.

But everything does not end here, in addition the doula is responsible for talking with the couple and explains how to help the future mom. The future dad also participates in everything that surrounds pregnancy, it is certainly an adequate and effective therapy.

In short, the doula is a physiotherapist with a lot of psychology who also specializes in obstetrics. The figure of the doula can be a man or a woman, the truth is that sex does not matter when it comes to a good and rewarding help.

Video: UC San Diego Health Doula Program (July 2024).