Contaminated food influences learning capacity

Various toxic substances found in food can influence learning ability, this is indicated by studies carried out in the Neurobiology Laboratory of the Prince Felipe Research Center in Valencia.

It is important and necessary to know the effects that produce certain environmental pollutants in food, for this purpose various studies have been carried out where they were administered to laboratory rats, foods that were contaminated with toxic substances such as lead, methylmercury, etc., and some of the mechanisms that hinder learning capacity in these rats have been revealed. These investigations allow to evaluate the harmful effects of these foods on the population, environmental pollution directly affects the food chain through different means, be it the soil, water or air, in turn these foods directly affect the newly born and in fetuses that are much more vulnerable, directly affecting the development of their brains.

These studies are a direct consequence of the observed increase in embryonic development deficiencies. Pollution affects everyone to a greater or lesser extent, but it is future babies and babies who suffer most from the consequences of contaminants received through feeding.

It would be necessary for hundreds of products to stop being used for human health and especially for children's health. All kinds of products are used to favor good crops free of pests or other diseases, but the opposite is that the proliferation of different problems such as poor brain development is also favored. Sooner or later they should take serious measures, we are sure of that.

Video: Brain Foods for Brain Health - Boost Brain Health with Good Eats (July 2024).