Criticism of the new requirements for adoption of Chinese children

A few days ago China unveiled the new regulations for the adoption of Chinese children for the processing of international adoption files that will take effect in May 2007.

From there, the matter has raised blisters, as the new requirements are quite restrictive.

The tightening of adoption rules for foreigners puts a lot of barriers and greatly harms adoptions by Spaniards, the second country that most Chinese children adopt.

Among other things, it will prevent adopting parents with anxiety and depression problems, or with incomes below a certain level and the strongest: it establishes a determined body mass index.

That is to say that the obese cannot adopt, nor can the single and only marriages formed by a man and a woman, which excludes homosexuals.

Parents must be over 30, but under 55, have been married for a while and have a certain number of children.

In short, a list of unusual requirements that you can see in the statement of the Chinese Adoption Center.

With the new measures, if the waiting time was long, they anticipate that it will be extended further.

While Chinese girls fill up orphanages in precarious conditions while waiting for a family, the government is more concerned with the body mass index of future parents than with the love index they can provide

Video: Adopted Japanese children denied visas by Canada (July 2024).