Captain Net educates about the good use of the internet

The Internet is a window into the world where many educational resources can be found, but dangers can also be found that harm the little ones. Children are the future and are increasingly entering new technologies at an earlier age, but to be satisfactory, they must receive information and education about the use of this tool.

Thanks to a campaign developed by UNICEF-Spanish Committee, Edunet and Elis, which has the support of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology, an informative website in Spanish and Italian was launched for educators, parents and all in general on the Good use of the internet and protection of children. It offers a section for the little ones in which they will find, in addition to interactive games and educational links, practical tips for surfing the net. It also has the section for adults, which show us technological tools to protect children, child protection programs and information on legal issues in reference to the internet.

Captain Net is a very useful tool for both parents and children, if you have already introduced your child into the internet world, remember that on this website you will find basic information to give it a good use and enjoyment of its recreational space In addition, once a simple questionnaire has been answered about what he has learned, the child will receive the "Captain Net Navigator Diploma".

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