Autism worries in the US, there are more cases than they thought

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP) announced in a press conference the results of two different studies prepared in 22 states of the USA, where they showed the concern about the incidence of autism presented by children born between 1992 and 1994, much older than they imagined, 1 in 150 children suffer from autism spectrum disorders, ranging from autism to Asperger Syndrome, while until now it was thought to reverse in 1 of every 175 children.

They also showed that the incidence of this disorder varies by state, New Jersey almost doubles the cases of children in West Virginia who suffer from an autism spectrum disorder, but have no explanation as to why.

Two studies show that the disease affects the male sector more than the female sector, with three to seven boys being affected by each girl. They also assessed the ethnic incidence, slightly lower in children of Hispanic origin. Something more positive that is extracted from the studies, is that mental retardation does not affect as much as previously thought (3/4 of the patients), reports showed that they only suffered between 33 and 62%.

The researchers stressed the need to detect the symptoms of this disorder as soon as possible, most parents perceive them when children are about 3 years old and doctors confirm it when they are between 4 and 6 years old, while it would be advisable before 2 years old.

Video: What is High Functioning Autism? Kati Morton (July 2024).