Vitamin complexes before pregnancy reduce the risks of having a preterm birth

According to research carried out by experts belonging to the University of Pittsburgh (USA), the intake of vitamin complexes six months before conception, reduce the risk of suffering a preterm birth and also, that the weight of the newborn is not adequate.

Vitamins before pregnancy contribute to a better preparation of the organism to cope with changes during pregnancy and to provide the future baby with the necessary raw material for its proper development. The researchers analyzed data from 1,800 pregnant women and observed that thanks to vitamin complexes, preterm birth exceeded the 34-week gestation barrier and babies exceeded the fifth percentile. However, vitamin complexes should always be administered under medical prescription, since abusing certain vitamins without them being necessary can cause other health problems, medical tests and tests will determine exactly which is the ideal vitamin complex for each woman.

Preparing to face the pregnancy guarantees to improve the health conditions of the mother and the future baby, it will always be easier if you usually have a healthy and correct diet, the figures show that pregnancy planning has greater benefits for mothers and babies.

The study data has been published in the American Journal of Epidemiology.

Video: Omega 3 Fatty Acids Can Help Avert Miscarriage & Premature birth. Pregnancy Complications (June 2024).