Identical triplets are born, a rare case

Amy, Kim and Zoe are three newborn sisters, triplets, which is news because son identical from the genetic point of view, case that occurs rarely, in one of every 200 million births of this type.

The British mother, but resident in Austria, had her three babies by caesarean section last Monday when she had 33 weeks of gestation. They were conceived naturally and according to experts, the oocyte was fertilized and after a few days it was divided into three.

They affirm that in this case the fetuses can suffer malformations, but it is not the case of the small Austrians. The three were born with the same weight and the same size, 1.5 kilos and measured 40 centimeters. Now the three little sisters are in incubators of the intensive care unit that help them to progress in their development. In 98% of multiple pregnancies, fetuses come from a different ovum and develop in a different placenta and each with its own amniotic sac. In the remaining 2% of cases, identical triplets share a placenta, and they may also share the amniotic bag, share it with only two fetuses, or each have their own bag.

The last case of identical triplets that is recorded, was in 1999 at the Quirón Clinic in Barcelona, ​​Joseph, Genís and Salvador were conceived through in vitro fertilization and the only way to distinguish them was through the fingerprint.

Video: Medical Edge: Rare case of identical triplets (May 2024).