Why working outside the home helps me to be a better mother

Most of the mothers belong to one of these two groups: those who stay at home with the children or those who leave it to go to work. I have always thought that both situations are very particular and comparing them is somewhat ridiculous, because none is better than another.

From my personal experience as a mother who has been in both situations, and who on other occasions has talked about my life as a mother who stays at home, now I want to share some of the advantages and tell you why I think working outside the home helps me to be a better mother.

As I have told on other occasions, although I have been a mother for a few years, I have had the opportunity to live and experience many things, including working outside the home and also staying at home with my daughter. I know the advantages and disadvantages that each of these situations provides.

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I think it is absurd to fall into that comparison in which it is sought to clarify or define who has it easier or more difficult, if the mothers who work outside or those who stay at home, because remember that each mother-child is a world and every woman lives motherhood differently.

Even if two or more mothers had exactly the same routine, same schedules and same activities, each one would feel different about their motherhood, because we all have different ways of thinking and to manage or carry our emotions.

Why working outside the home helps me to be a better mother

During the time that I was a mother who worked away from home I had the opportunity to share experiences and moments with other women who were also mothers and work in my office. So starting From my personal experience and what I saw and talked with my former coworker, I want to share the reasons why I think working outside the home made me a better mother.

You value more time with your children

By this I do not mean that those who have more time with them do not, but simply, when working outside the home and away from your children, the moments when they are finally together are more than special and even I could even say that they become untouchable: nothing is more important than those hours together.

You disconnect from everything to focus on them

Something that always happened to me when I worked away from home, was that when I got back to my home after a long day at work, the first thing I did was practically throw my bag and forget about my phone and everything that its use entails (social networks, pending work, etc.).

In this way, when I returned I focused all my focus and attention exclusively on being with my daughter, to catch up, enjoy all those little things he did and compensate a little all those hours that we were separated.

You learn to better manage your times

While staying at home also requires organization, it is easy to get out of time a bit. Being used to complying with a routine and work schedule, it helped me to be more organized or more time conscious.

In this way, working outside the home can help us organize ourselves better and coordinate all family activities easily, thus giving another use to the tools we have learned working outside the home.

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You set a good example for your children

There are studies that say that the children of mothers who work outside the home are smarter or end up having better jobs. Keeping the positive of this and without doing less my current role as a mother who stays at home, I think it has some truth, in the sense of the example we give them when we go to work.

Seeing a woman who follows her career and is dedicated to what she does away from home, It is a way to teach our children various values such as responsibility, punctuality, organization and perseverance, among others.

Everything has its advantages and disadvantages

As I said at the beginning, being able to live both experiences made me know his good side and his not so good side. But he also taught me to appreciate each one of them. It is true that when you work from home you can miss a lot, but always It's for a good reason: give your children the best.

So let's look at things on the positive side: maybe I was not present in several of my daughter's first times, and I missed a few moments by her side. But Working outside the home made me grow as a person, and therefore, help me to be a better mother.

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Video: Mother Balancing Work and Home. Mom Work Full Time and a Business. How to Balance Children Husband (July 2024).