Abortion related to breast cancer

A study published in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, shows the relationship between abortion and breast cancer. According to the study data, perform an abortion before the first birth is a determining factor so that in the future breast cancer may appear. The study has taken statistical data from several European countries such as Denmark, Sweden, the Czech Republic or the United Kingdom. The study also shows data that there is a higher incidence of this type of cancer in the higher social classes, coincidentally they are the ones with a higher rate of abortions. In countries where the abortion rate is lower, there are fewer cases of breast cancer. The study is quite extensive and deals with different risks related to the possibility of suffering the disease, such as using the contraceptive pill more than eight years or delaying the age of the first pregnancy.

Although the data is quite reliable, experts indicate that they would gain more weight if the actual number of abortions were known, since there are many performed in hiding and there is no record of them. This study should serve to discourage those who wish to abort knowing that in addition to truncating a life, they endanger their health.

Video: Obese Women at risk for later-diagnosed, late-state breast cancer-Mayo Clinic (July 2024).