The newborn, in the room or in the nest?

That image of the cribs aligned in front of a crystal in the nest (or nursery) is less and less frequent, fortunately. Because there is nothing better for mom and baby who lived nine months than stay together after birth.

In most maternity hospitals, I think, the newborn remains in the mother's close room, it is only taken to the nest in cases where the mother cannot take care of the baby 24 hours a day because she needs a special recovery due to some complication .

In my case, for example, I was given twice the option of taking the baby at night supposedly for the mother to rest better, but I didn't want to because I didn't want to take off even for a minute.

The experts recommend that the baby not be separated from the mother during the first hours of life for several very valuable reasons that were disclosed in a recent study.

Because skin-to-skin contact between the two is essential, because it facilitates breastfeeding, the baby gains weight faster and is less likely to develop jaundice. In addition, they get used to life outside the womb better, cry less, are less fussy, sleep more deeply and suffer less stress.

Imagine having been warm in a comfortable place in the company of my mother for nine months and from one day to the other being alone in a cold crib under the hospital lights.

But it is also beneficial for the mother to be with the baby, according to the study and confirms a mother, because they feel more confident of their maternal abilities.

And I am left with a phrase from one of the researchers so that we do not turn the matter over. “Nature expects mothers and newborns to be together. It is unnatural to separate them. ”

Video: Can you use a Nest Cam as a baby monitor? Watch before buying! (July 2024).