Occupational risk guide during pregnancy and lactation

Of course, being pregnant today does not prevent work (in most cases), but it is also true that pregnant women and nursing mothers they should be protected from possible situations that could pose a risk to them or their baby.

Many pregnant and lactating workers are unaware that their situation entitles them to certain benefits and what they are, so I want to teach you a guide published by Comisiones Obreras which is really aimed at entrepreneurs, but any future or recent working mom should read.

There you will find a wide list of factors classified by the type of risk such as: noise, radiation, extreme temperatures, dangerous chemical substances and agents such as mercury, lead, etc., inadequate working hours, performing standing activities, handling of loads, forced postures, displacements, risk of infections, absence of rest areas, etc.

There are several regulations that protect the right to health and maternity of women workers. Few women know, for example, that they have the right to demand a job change if theirs poses a risk to their state.

I recommend you take a look at the document (pdf) that you can download from the web because it is very interesting both for the information it contains about the worker's health, as well as for other essential aspects such as the benefits that should be perceived, how the company in certain situations, etc.

Anyway, recommendations that we would like fulfilled in all companies, because it is unacceptable that there are still inappropriate work situations for future moms or for recent moms, not to mention the discrimination to which they are subjected. In this regard, we recently knew an unfortunate fact: that pregnancy is the main reason for dismissal in working women.

Video: Healthy Pregnancy 101 (May 2024).