Looking for the healthiest bottles

The North American consumer associations have developed a guide with practical advice on how a totally healthy bottle should be.

As we have already pointed out on these pages, they indicate that of Cristal they are better, since they cannot filter chemicals that are found in plastic (such as bisphenol-A).

We have also spoken in Babies and more of the importance of the nipple. Regarding them, silicone ones are chosen (although they are less flexible), since latex is more frequent that causes allergic reactions and may contain impurities, apart from that it deteriorates more easily.

He water to make bottles should be mineral or if it is tap water, filtered. In any case, it must not contain fluoride. Regarding the preparation of the bottle, it is recommended to heat the water the bathroom mary. Microwaves can make it easy to seep the harmful chemical components of the plastic.

As for the meters, it also recommends that they be made of glass, since plastics can contain harmful chemicals that leak, especially when they are heated.

In any case, it is always good to remember that you should make good use of the bottle, looking for a suitable temperature.

And, finally, a touch of humor: I return to the funny story Lola left us talking about the best bottle, the superb bottle.

Video: Top 5 Best Water Bottles 2019 Glass, Insulated, Gym, Hiking, Travel (July 2024).