Stress would have nothing to do with the development of preeclampsia in pregnancy

It is not known for sure what are the reasons responsible for the development of preeclmapsy and gestational hypertension in pregnancy.

It was suggested that its origin could be found in the male genes, that it could be linked to the high level of the HtrA1 protein or that it could be due to vitamin insufficiency.

A study carried out in Holland has just come to light that does not make light on the causes that trigger preeclmapsy, but on one that would not cause it: maternal stress.

Although it had been pointed out as a possible cause, psychological stress (often caused by excessive work or anxiety about the pregnancy itself) is not good for the woman's health and for the development of pregnancy, but researchers believe that neither modifies the possibility of a pregnant woman suffering from preeclampsia or gestational hypertension, in which the blood pressure increases to dangerous levels.

Treated in time, preeclampsia is controlled to avoid significant risks such as premature delivery, but if it is not detected it can cause serious complications for both the mother and the baby.

According to this new research, the future mom can't do anything to avoid this gestational pressure rise. But we are more interested in knowing what can be done to avoid it, if it is in our hands. Discarding possibilities is a good way to discover what are really the causes that cause it and thus find a way to reduce the risk of suffering it.

Video: Understanding Preeclampsia: Expert Q&A (May 2024).