The highlight of the week: from May 26 to June 1

Like every Monday, we review the most outstanding news we have published in Babies and more last week.

In our Special Pregnancy we have talked about how the baby grows from week 9 to week 12, of iron-rich foods essential for the pregnant woman's diet and we have presented 2 videos on prenatal stimulation.

With regard to nutrition, but that of babies who begin to experiment with new foods, Eva told us that introducing the fruit porridge is a matter of patience.

MMar told us about the book "The art of educating" by Javier Urra, which came as a gift with Psychologies magazine and I recommended a website for excellent children's audio discounts called Cody's Tales.

We have known a new study that has had a lot of press about the gestural expressions of babies that dealt with analyzing the gestures and crying of the little ones. We have also learned of a shocking news, that a healthy baby is born from an ectopic pregnancy, that is, it was born outside the mother's womb.

In addition, we unveiled some very interesting sites of mum bloggers who bare their emotions and experiences in their respective blogs.

Finally, you can review our section Tell us your story to know the beautiful stories of parents we have published in recent days.

Video: Boxing Knockouts. July 2019 Week 2 (July 2024).