Slow childhood

If there is the slow motherhood of which we have already spoken, there must be slow childhood because they are 2 sides of the same coin.

The culture of the rush in which our society is immersed has caught our children: thousands of activities, many hours of TV and computers, constant stimuli, excess hours of childcare and taking them too small, ...

The natural maturation processes of children do not fit with our agendas. We want weaning soon (Some are even forbidden to breastfeed the colostrum they are entitled to as mammals!), Who sleep alone from babies and who sleep very quickly, leave the diaper soon, walk and do not crawl, play and entertain themselves , etc…

In short, the demands of some parents would have no limits. But "apples do not ripen"But when it's their turn. And this is slow childhood: everything arrives in due time and we as parents must be there to accompany and not accelerate any stage.

I like them and I present here these reflections of the anti-hurry guru Carl Honore about which we have spoken before:

“We have passed to our children the cult of speed, to be doing something at all times. This is a big mistake. Children in general need LENTITUDE. "In unstructured free time, in calm, and even in boredom, it is when children learn to look within themselves, to wonder who they are, to invent and be more creative, and also to be more social." “This hyperactive, hurried and hyperstimulated culture has also reached them, so it is hard for them to concentrate on one thing at the same time and they get bored so easily. That's why childhood is getting shorter ”

So: let our children be children¡

Video: Idle parents in search of a slow, free range childhood (July 2024).