Follow the low birth rate in Spain according to a demographic study of the INE

He National Institute of Statistics (INE) has carried out the demographic study "Spain in figures", which provides data on the number of children per province that women have on average in Spain. As we could imagine, we are still in the world queue regarding birth.

The figures show that in 5 Spanish provinces, not even the average of one child per woman is reached (Asturias, Zamora, Lugo, Orense and León). The lowest birth rate is concentrated in areas of northern Spain. It is in the southern areas of the peninsula where this rate is significantly exceeded, as in Ceuta, Melilla (rubbing the 2 children), Murcia or Almeria.

Specifically, the province in which the most women give birth to the entire peninsula is Murcia, with an average of 1.64 children. Andalusian women show a similar trend, with little more than a son and a half. If we go further south, in the Canary Islands the figures fall back to about an average child.

As we can see, the data in this report seems to prove that in Spain it is difficult to have children. On the one hand, we want to boost birth rates, but no effective measures seem to be established to make that happen. Labor and family conciliation suspends in Spain and family policies shine for their absence. On the other hand, the maternity delay and the shorter duration of couples would also influence that low birth rate.

The economic factorsOf course, they also come into play, and we all know that 2,500 euros help, but they don't solve the economic problems of many families in times of crisis.

These are complex and multiple issues that lead to such low figures: it is not surprising that Spaniards do not dare with large families.

Video: Which Countries Have Shrinking Populations? (July 2024).