Internet: Dr. Estivill and my friends

Internet. That oceanic process full of monsters, where the most dangerous criminals lurk. According to him Dr. Estivill, minimizing recently in an interview the criticisms of his method in numerous pages and forums, the network is plagued by them. Reading what he affirms would seem that there is only that. But, after all, here we are, worrying about Babies and more to offer information to improve the lives of children and their families. You, the readers, also find information, support, ideas on the Internet ... No, dear Dr., not everything is criminal. And of course those who are not satisfied with their method and with the behaviorism in parenting, are not either.

Thinking about these unfortunate statements I've been quite a while. I participate in many spaces of the network. And it is about these and about the wonderful people that I have found in them about what I want to talk to you about. It will be more positive. For me Internet It has been fundamental, possibly I would not be the same person that I am or my child's life would have been the same. I have learned a lot, I have read, I have reflected, I have been moved. And above all, I have found the best friends that someone can ask, my true tribe, my support in the storms and my companions of joys. And as for many people, the Internet has offered me thousands of resources and information that I would not otherwise have had.

When my son was born, more than seven years ago, I suffered a deep personal crisis. My last months of pregnancy, in absolute rest, filled me with concerns. My birth was not respected. My son was separated from me without need. Breastfeeding failed in the same hospital. I arrived at my house with a baby of less than two kilos, under home hospitalization, because at least they got it right and allowed me to do so, considering that it is better for the growth of a premature premature being at home with his family. But breastfeeding seemed impossible. And I wanted to relate. I wanted it almost desperately, instinctively. As if the link called me, as if everything indicated that I could not throw in the towel.

I did not know how. Breast pumps, skin to skin, everything was insufficient. And I began to investigate. I turned on the computer and the answers and trust began to come to me. La Leche League has an extraordinarily full page of resources. The Natural Parenting forum was full of expert and welcoming mothers and fathers. EPEN, with its lists full of women and professionals worried about a respected birth. I learned a lot then and recovered breastfeeding, being able to continue with it, thanks to advice I was receiving, when I returned to work and all the time we wanted later.

Over time I surrounded myself with excellent people, my friends. Those who write in the forums. And the world changed. We investigate together on children's sleep, food, upbringing, education. We undertook projects, we worked so that other families who wanted to learn about Parenting of Attachment had a place to go.

We create an Association, Raise with the Heart. And we follow our lives more accompanied, supported and happy. And there are so many friends that I will meet thanks to the Internet, so many people who are going to become stars in my life, so many things that I have left to learn, that I have nothing left but to thank that this exists and that we can meet here.

For many parents Internet is a wonderful space. There are many doubts, worries, fears, questions that assail us. We need information, from various sources, from other parents, from professionals, in order to make our decisions. The pages that helped me are some offered by the network. But there are many resources waiting for those who need them.

In Babies and more we talk about childbirth, breastfeeding, breast and bottle, food, solutions. Games, stories, decoration also have their place because they are important parts of the lives of families. News that without the Internet we would not hear. Options and documentation. And the enormous importance of finding other people with similar concerns that can become part of our lives. I am sure that the Internet is very useful and I hope that it is for our readers. What is your opinion?

Video: Post Malone - Internet Audio (July 2024).