The consumption of nuts in pregnancy related to childhood asthma

There are certain foods with which the pregnant woman should take some precaution to avoid unwanted effects on the pregnant baby.

Just as it is advisable to have a balanced diet that includes foods from all groups, avoid fats, moderate with certain fish and eliminate sausages, according to a study published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine it is also advisable avoid eating nuts daily.

The mother's diet during pregnancy is decisive for the future health of the baby, especially when we talk about allergenic foods such as some nuts, especially peanuts, because could cause allergic sensitization of the baby and develop asthma in childhood.

In the investigation, conducted by the government of the Netherlands, they could observe that the only solid relationship between maternal feeding and children's allergy occurred when the mother had consumed nuts in pregnancy every day, especially peanuts, which increased the risk of asthma in the child up to 50%.

Although they point out that more research is needed to recommend eliminating nuts from the pregnant woman's diet, it is always better to avoid avoiding excesses of this type of products.

Video: Eat Walnuts during pregnancy and see amazing growth of baby's development (July 2024).