Being a mother at the age of being a grandmother: a 62-year-old Italian woman gives birth to her first daughter

A 62-year-old nurse who lives in Rome has become a mother for the first time after undergoing assisted fertilization in Albania. Despite her advanced age, she did not want to give up the experience of motherhood, so although she did not have a partner to support her, she decided to move on alone.

The new mother admits that she still has to assimilate the "vacuum jump" that led her to being a mother for the first time at age 62.

"A colleague suggested that I consult a gynecologist who had helped 57 and 58 year old women get pregnant, but it didn't inspire confidence." It takes a year of reflection to gather information and reflect on the choice: It was not easy to guide me and find the right path, "the recent mother told the newspaper Il Corriere della Sera.

In Babies and more A Chinese woman will be the mother of twins with 67 years: the risks involved for her and her babies

He kept it secret in his surroundings until the last moment. Only his nephew and his 92-year-old mother knew, who said he was happy with the news: "At least when I'm not there you won't be alone," he told his daughter.

"It is never too late"

When asked if he is afraid of the future, the mother replied that what she wants is to be able to see her daughter grow at least until she turns 18: "At that age, children need to build their lives ... Today some parents tend to be overprotective and suffocating. "

The mother says that it is never too late, that "a woman is never old", but the truth is that the biological clock has its own times and marks the beginning and end of the reproductive age. Another thing is that thanks to advances in fertilization, a baby can be conceived artificially at an advanced age, but then there is a new debate: What is the age limit to become a mother?

In Spain, the reproduction law does not impose a limit age for fertility treatments, but the general recommendation of professionals is that the barrier of 50 is not exceeded, given that the risks past that age are very high.

It is not an isolated case. In Spain, the case of Mauricia is sounded, a Galician woman who was the mother of twins with 64 years, whose social services took custody of her children.

The debate of women who become mothers at the age of being grandmothers is reopened. Does a woman have the right to be a mother at the age she wants?

In Babies and more, they take custody of their twins to the woman who was 64 years old, as happened to her other daughter

Video: Meet The Woman Who Gave Birth To 69 Children (July 2024).