National Registry of semen and egg donors

Today announced the Director General of Advanced Therapies and Transplants of the Ministry of Health that is preparing a Royal Decree that will create a National Registry of Egg and Sperm Donors, that is, of gametes.

This record will be prepared in 2010 and will collect, with personal data, donors including the pregnancy rates achieved with their eggs and sperm. Data will also be collected on diseases that may be suffered by babies and those suffered by those born from previous donations. The registration will be confidential.

Today these data are not collected and can only be discovered by questioning the donor. But having them registered and organized reliably can be of great interest to professionals, who will be the only ones entitled to their knowledge. Reproduction clinics and recipients have long since requested that this registration be performed.

I really think it's the initiative of a National Register of Gamete Donors It is necessary and commendable, because when parents look for a child by going to this technique, it is important to have the greatest possible guarantees of success and to take care that babies are born, whenever possible, healthy.

Video: Sperm donor lies on profile, leaving Georgia families with few options (July 2024).