Earrings on girls yes or no?

From a time to this part, what was a practically immovable custom like putting earrings in the ears to girls It has become an option and many parents decide not to make the holes in the ears to their daughters so that they are the ones who decide, later, whether to do it or not.

This has caused many future parents and recent parents to ask themselves this question: do we put the girl pending?

This is a totally personal matter whose decision requires minimal reflection. I have not had daughters, but my opinion in this regard is that if one day I had a girl, we would not make him pending.

These are the reasons:

  • It seems to me a somewhat outdated tradition: I do not know since when it was carried out, although I do know that the Romans did it with their girls. I think that many years have passed, and although it is a deeply rooted tradition, it seems ancient and unhelpful.
  • They are his ears: And not mine. It is her body and I do not consider myself who, not even being her father, to decide for her on such an irrelevant matter. I think it's something personal that she will have to decide whenever she wants.

    In my view, when we educate children, we try to make them autonomous and able to make their own decisions: This, given that it is their body and concerns them, is one of them.

  • It hurts them: Only a couple of decades ago children were operated without anesthesia because they were believed to have no pain. Now we know that this is not true and that they do suffer pain. Ending them hurts them and I personally do not conceive to harm a baby without need.
  • I don't know how to see babies with jewelry: It is a purely personal matter, of course, but bracelets, earrings, rings or chains seem like accessory elements that babies do not need and should use whenever they wanted.
  • They can be hooked: Depending on the earring that is put on you, you run the risk of being hooked with clothes, with a stuffed animal, with a wool jacket ... being able to do them a lot of damage or even injure the earlobe.
  • There are other ways to differentiate sex: "It's a boy, because he doesn't wear earrings." Many girls have earrings so that they know they are girls ... from my point of view it is very easy to ask “what's his name?” To know if he is a boy or a girl or, if you hurry me, ask “is he a boy or a girl?
  • Because when I am a teenager and ask for a piercing I will not be able to refuse: What is the point that I decide for her when she is a baby, putting two earrings on her, and that when she is a teenager decide for her not to wear them.
  • In the lobe is the representation of the head: This is related to auriculotherapy, which is the technique by which different diseases are diagnosed and treated, stimulating points located in the ear.

    Any earring or piercing, depending on where it is located, will be stimulating the area it represents. In principle, the point where the girls 'earrings are usually made is equivalent to the eyes and I do not consider that the girls have vision problems or see better, but just in case, I would not touch the girls' ears.

These are all the reasons why I, personally I, would not make my daughter pending (if one day I had one), but I find it logical that there are other opinions and arguments on this subject and therefore I invite you to answer the question that I have already answered: Earrings on girls yes or no?

Video: Do women like men with earrings? (June 2024).