The parks are not nurseries

We are in a consumer society in which the business factor in many cases draws cultural habits. In full July sales, companies (shopping centers, clothing stores, fast food spaces, specialized surfaces for sale of sports equipment or DIY ...) provide potential customers who buy more comfortably by providing toy libraries and playgrounds.

We can talk about the toy libraries on another occasion but, specifically with the parks, I believe that we must establish clear guidelines of their limitations, which are many. There is no need to get a superficial impression of your safety: no matter how cushioned all the blunt elements that comprise it are, only two heads (those of two children, of course) are needed to generate a serious accident. We must be aware that the parks are not nurseries.

In the parks there are two circumstances to take into account and that makes our continuous presence and our attention necessary: ​​there are no specialized personnel who supervise the behavior of the children and the children who participate are of very varied attitude and condition. These circumstances make these recreational spaces places where safety is not guaranteed and we are the parents the only recourse to anticipate and avoid accidents.

Another factor that aggravates this situation is that there are not always responsible parents who take care of their children. With phrases of the type: "Now Dad is going to look at a shop window, stay here, I'll be right back", they ventilate the situation in a minute, without realizing that a child between 3 and six years old (the strip where we usually start to give children greater autonomy), they still have a very limited capacity for self-control.

The park is a driving freedom environment. Children experiment with their body, jump, run, climb ... But all this motor activity generates symbolic images at the intellectual level, which secondarily activates emotionally (excites and makes the kids nervous). In this context, if there is a respectful but available supervision, the acquisition of self-control is facilitated: I can run but not run over, I can jump but not step on, I can climb but not on my companions ... The problem is that without that supervision, motor freedom It becomes a chaotic attitude, which can trigger conflicts with other children and accidents.

Video: BABY BOY NURSERY TOUR! Vintage Camping National Parks Outdoors Theme, All White With Pops of Color (July 2024).