Fifth month of pregnancy: pregnancy month by month

At fifth month of pregnancy weight gain and anatomical changes in the back and legs are characteristic. As for babies, the movements perceived by the mother increase and greater activity is appreciated.

Changes in the mother's body in the fifth month of pregnancy

The volume and weight of the belly area lead the lumbar area of ​​the spine to increase its curvature. This anatomical modification increases the probability that the nerves of the legs (sciatica) may suffer narrowing due to the musculature of the hip or thighs and produce lumbociática.

This pathology is detected because there is a painful sensation (even of "burning") in the gluteal region, the back of the thigh and sometimes below the knee and is usually unilateral (only affects one leg).

The most effective option when these symptoms arise is to use an electric pad in combination to heat the lower back and gently stretch the gluteal area and the back muscles of the legs (hamstrings and triceps).

On the other hand, there is also usually a change in the area of ​​the hips with a tendency of the legs to external rotation (with the tips of the feet facing outwards, instead of forward) which generates a type of march characteristic of pregnant women This anatomical gesture prepares the pelvis to allow an increase in the cavity that delimits and also enlarges the future exit gap of the baby.

How the baby grows in the fifth month

The sensations that the child moves a lot are very pronounced because there is a situation of balance between the size of the fetus and the space around it. From this moment, its growth will limit the freedom of movement and will have less possibilities.

In this period, the baby is especially sensitive to the mother's mood, so you have to try to live a time of relaxation, satisfaction and well-being. Although I do not know scientific studies that have demonstrated this intimate relationship between moods, it seems logical to think that if there is such empathy and connection between mother and baby, the emotions of one affect the other.

Medical tests

Ultrasound of week 20. It is used to reaffirm the date of birth, observe the anatomy of the fetus and detect possible abnormalities, monitor the amount of amniotic fluid and examine the activity and growth of the fetus. It also usually serves to corroborate the sex of the baby.

Video: Changes during Fifth month of pregnancy in Mother wombchanges in baby during pregnancy (July 2024).