Potatoes with vinaigrette. Recipe for pregnant women

It is a very simple dish, this can not be denied, but it is ideal to cook it any of those days in which we have nothing in the fridge, we are too busy, or too tired, or we just have no desire, to go shopping Who doesn't have a couple of potatoes and a couple of eggs? This recipe vinaigrette potatoes it is another variant, "let's call it sophisticated", of the classic eggs with potatoes.

This dish gives us proteins, carbohydrates, folic acid, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and vitamins A, B6.

The ingredients for 4 people

4 medium potatoes, 3 eggs, 3 tablespoons vinegar, 4 tablespoons oil, salt, pepper.

The preparation

We boil the potatoes with the skin in salt water. We boil the eggs.

When the potatoes are cooked we drain them, peel them and cut them into slices.

When the eggs are cooked, we divide them in half, we separate the yolks from the whites and in a mortar we crush them and mix them with the oil, the vinegar and a pinch of salt, until we get a kind of soft porridge.

Chop cooked egg whites very finely.

Preparation time | 15 minutes Cooking time | 30 minutes Difficult | Very low


We ride the plate of vinaigrette potatoes, serving the potatoes as background, over the egg yolk dough and over the egg white hash. We can sprinkle with chopped parsley and ground pepper.

We can also mount it as an appetizer, putting it on individual dishes and accompanying some sodas, beers without alcohol, or with alcohol without being pregnant.

Video: What I ate today for my 3rd VEGAN PREGNANCY (July 2024).