Baby's first Christmas: a couple of tips

We are many recent parents we face this year our baby's first Christmas.

At this time, the most common thing is that the baby's life changes at the same time as ours does. The schedules are disrupted, the peace of the home is broken by filling up with people, the meals are eternal and the family members bring gifts for the babies who, really, have no idea what the fuss is coming from.

For all these reasons we must remember that when we fill a glass too much, everything ends up getting lost, that is, if our baby becomes too nervous it will be us, and above all he himself, who pays the consequences later.

You better be invited than invited

Family dinners and meals usually acquire, from year to year, a mandatory halo that is difficult to break. What if on Christmas Eve at your mother's house, what if at Christmas at grandma's house, and for New Year's Eve at our house.

However when a couple has a baby should be exempt from inviting that year. A baby is equivalent to a wild card: "This end of the year we have dinner at your house?", "No, I have the baby's wild card", "Ah, it's true."

It is not the same to invite and have to prepare a dinner for several people to arrive and that the food is practically made, it is not the same to say “we are leaving that little Carlitos is nervous” than to say “if you do not mind, you would have to Going, I'm going to sleep with Carlitos ”and it's not the same to lend a hand picking up your dishes and little else to get to the kitchen and see that all your dishes await you dirty and messy.

Dinners are over for a while

I know it is beautiful to celebrate New Year's Eve with the family, that on Christmas Eve the grandfather sings the carol farting with the snuff and that Aunt Juani serves her special cake only an hour before the end of the year, but no, the baby has no idea that all that happens and his only concern after ten at night (pulling long) is to close his eyes and sleep peacefully and peacefully as he does every night.

All this is solved if, instead of making dinners, meals are made. And if there were celebrations at lunchtime, then one of two, or dinner before, or "next year we will come to your dinner, Carlitos is very small."

We have been eating dinner very soon for several years (you know, "snack-dinner") or missing dinner. It's what it is, Christmas is very fun and we love to get together with family and have fun, but never at the expense of our babies.

Christmas gifts for babies

There is nothing more useless, when trying to manage gifts, than to tell a family member to buy nothing, that it is not necessary.

Everyone wants to give something away and, even if they don't want to, they won't risk paying attention to you and then be the only ones who don't bring anything.

The ideal is make a list of gifts and award them. If you can even buy things between several people.

A gift is something that is given to someone because you think about it when you buy it, because you know you will like it and because you want to give something for nothing for the simple pleasure of doing it.

At Christmas, however, gifts do not carry so much meaning. Things are given to all children because of course, you are not going to give something to the older brother and stop doing it with the little one, even if it is a baby.

But nevertheless Babies can live perfectly without receiving any gifts. They don't know if they receive one or ten and they don't know if they don't receive one. In my house, in fact, we are going to buy some detail from Aran more for our sense of guilt (what has been said, how can you not buy something if you buy from the other?) Than because he needs anything.

Everything discussed is summarized in one sentence: Children can enjoy Christmas if we don't alter their lives too much and if we respect their basic needs and think a little about them.

Photos | Flickr (Tammra McCauley), Flickr (versageek) On Babies and more | Baby's first Christmas, How to avoid avalanche of gifts at Christmas