He is afraid to poop

Some children, because of constipation, can develop true afraid to poop. This usually appears when we introduce the potty, but it is not always at that time, but whatever it is, it is a very distressing situation for him and his parents.

If the child feels pain when pooping or has developed wounds in the anus due to the hardness of the stool, consult the pediatrician for advice.

In addition, when a child is harmed by pooping, he may end up entering a vicious circle. Because it hurts, he does not want to do it and retains stool, which causes it to harden more and it hurts more when he tries again.

In each case the strategy must be different, it depends on the reactions of the child. For some doing it in the potty is a certain relief, because the position is more comfortable, but for others it is worse, because when they see the potty they react with fear and become more nervous.

If the child in those cases prefers the diaper, it does not matter to return to him temporarily, leaving him the time he needs and putting it little tight so that defecation does not make it more difficult.

The solution to afraid to poop It depends on each child and the only advice is to respect the preference of our little one to help him overcome this difficulty little by little in addition to introducing changes in his diet to make stools softer.