The "natural" caesarean section: a woman-centered technique

“Natural caesarean section: A woman-centered technique” is a work describing a “natural” approach to caesarean section which mimics the stage of vaginal delivery allowing parents to see the birth of their child being an active part and protagonist of it. That is, a soft and less traumatic birth for the baby and the parents.

We talked to you a while ago about this caesarean section that mimics natural childbirth, when the news of this method carried out by the Australian doctor Nicholas M. Fick jumped into the media.

As we know, in most cases, cesarean delivery is still subject to surgery and resuscitation protocols that delay the baby's contact with the parents and helps to reduce maternal satisfaction and the success of breastfeeding.

This "natural" cesarean method allows the physiological self-resuscitation of the baby, waiting for uterine contractions and giving him time to be born and before cutting the cord, so that the baby starts breathing without trauma.

In addition, it offers the possibility that the baby can be put in early contact skin to skin to favor the bond.

Thanks to Childbirth is ours we can read the complete work, in Spanish, which presents the "natural" cesarean method. Although it costs to talk about natural when an incision is made so that the baby is born through a place for which it is not prepared, it may be better to talk about a less traumatic or more respected caesarean section.

What answers do we find in this document?

  • For which cases a caesarean section of this type would be indicated:
A technique is described for elective cesarean sections without complications in healthy women with pregnancy without risk at term of a single fetus. It can be adapted for cases of emergency caesarean section but not urgent, but it is not suitable for premature or breech presentations.
  • How parents are prepared for intervention, both informative and medical preparation.
  • Birth technique and early baby-mother contact.
  • Difficulties for the implementation and extension of the technique. Here we find that perhaps, the biggest obstacle is the reluctance on the part of medical staff to change roles and renounce routine protocols.
  • As supplementary material are the experiences of some parents who have gone through this "natural" cesarean section and a section of "Editor's comments". Here we read something important, and that is that no data are presented on the result or the safety of the technique that justify its widespread use.

That same point the authors of the work, while demanding more studies and clinical trials to verify that the method can be extended.

In any case, that we talk about this technique is already a good sign, since the controversies or debates generated by innovative techniques raise the suitability of the old ones. And questioning what is done by system and harms the people involved is always good.

It seems clear that a "natural" cesarean section cannot mimic the advantages of a vaginal delivery, so it is not an alternative in cases where vaginal surgery is possible. But I know more than one mother who would have liked to have a different caesarean section than her own, especially those scheduled: couple at her side, contact with the baby ...

If you want to know more about this Natural, less traumatic caesarean method, as a woman-centered technique, I recommend you take a look at the complete work from which we have brought you the most important points and our reflections.