Never leave the baby alone in the car

Summer begins and I begin to think and grieve for the lucid news that is repeated year after year: drowning, attacks of dogs and children who die forgotten in the car under an infernal heat. Today I alert you to this, it seems that we do not learn, and there are still cases in which parents they leave the baby alone in the car to go errands.

Never, never, you have to leave the children alone in the car, but even less if it is summer because the temperature rises rapidly and the little ones cannot leave. The cases end, sometimes, with death due to dehydration of the child.

Well, we started. Recently a woman has been arrested for having left her baby in the car while attending a thalassotherapy session. Fortunately it was not too hot and also someone alerted the police, who came, released the baby and subsequently arrested the mother.

How is it possible that someone is so unconscious to do this? No, I can't explain it. I do not want to continue writing about this specific case. Say only that I am very happy that this child is well and congratulate the person who called the police.

Faced with such a case, I encourage you to do the same, call. And of course, not even for a moment leave your baby alone in the car.

Video: Never Leave a Child in a Car (July 2024).