Intravaginal spheres: "Chinese balls" as postpartum therapy

Those known as "Chinese balls" until recently were associated with sex toys available mostly in sex shops. But Chinese balls can also be used for therapeutic purposes For certain disorders.

Now a pharmaceutical laboratory, Masterfarm, has designed a product line to tone and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles in order to improve, among others, the problem of urinary incontinence among women.

These Chinese balls or vaginal spheres stand out, of which I had already heard in the childbirth preparation classes as a complement to Kegel exercises, before giving birth and postpartum recovery.

The product, which is marketed under the name of "PelvicGym" ("pelvic gymnastics") consists of two pink spheres, each of which contains a smaller one inside, which are joined by a string that makes it easy to extract from the outside. They do not cause damage to the pelvic area thanks to its silicone coating.

Intravaginal spheres they are placed at the bottom of the vagina and lead to involuntary muscle contraction That prevents them from falling. When the woman walks or moves, the spheres produce a vibration, which achieves the strengthening of the vaginal musculature.

So this "toy" becomes a medical device and will be dispensed for the first time in pharmacies and will be informed of its therapeutic use for the affected area.

It will be in Catalonia where these intravaginal spheres will begin to be distributed for therapeutic use by women who have just given birth or people suffering from urinary incontinence, something that certainly affects a large percentage of the population.

Although from the company they report that PelvicGym It is available in pharmacies throughout Spain with a price around € 27.50 and its commercialization is planned at European level in the short term.

The commercialization of this product is accompanied by two other supplements: PelvicGel, a lubricating gel to facilitate the introduction of the balls and PelvicForte, a food supplement that helps strengthen the musculature of the pelvic floor.

Muscle damage after vaginal delivery is frequent, since the pelvic floor suffers a great distension, although we can resort to a whole series of exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor before delivery.

In the same way that we can continue doing them after having given birth, as we have commented on several occasions when referring to Kegel's exercises. Performing frequent vaginal contraction exercises helps the recovery of the pelvic tone.

So the primary objective of these vaginal spheres or PelvicGym Chinese balls it is not inducing pleasure, but improve pelvic and vaginal floor muscle tone. This may also contribute to the passage of time and the complete recovery of muscle tone to an improvement in sexual relations.

Video: Vaginal Toning Using Kegel Balls. Kegel Balls and Pelvic Floor Exercises Review (July 2024).