Highlights in Babies and more: July 12-18

Like every Monday, we review the most outstanding contents that we have published in the blog throughout the last week.

We continue talking about a very worrisome issue as a way to "correct" children such as whipping and explain why whipping is useless (Part II and Part III) and although there are those who see no options, it is possible to breed without whipping .

We have touched on a subject as real as life itself. When we become parents, friendships are divided into two groups: friends with children and friends without children, and a topic of frequent conversation between friends who are parents is Look at the last cramped of my children.

About the smallest babies and the crying we have commented on the reasons why we have to attend to the crying of the babies and we have given some advice on how to take care of a baby who cries a lot without losing his nerves. It is possible and affects the good of the baby.

We have released a study that supports one of the WHO recommendations that exclusive breastfeeding up to six months is best for the baby. But when this is not possible, we have also talked about dairy in infant feeding and which artificial milk is better.

The World Cup has left us with his throbbing. We've also had room to talk about the Paul Octopus pregnancy test, which is apparently infallible, although I wouldn't trust a mollusk for these needs.

Already getting more serious we have asked ourselves what is best for the child, whether the nursery or at home, which has generated a variety of comments and opinions about the most suitable place, but especially about the most suitable person to take care of Kids.

Last but not least, we have asked our readers how long their delivery lasted. As expected, the answers have been the most varied, since as you know each birth is a world.

This week, much more.

Video: Jim and Sam Show Highlights: Childhood Stories (July 2024).