You can see ads for "back to school"

A few days ago I returned from my vacation, returning to the city where I live, and in addition to realizing how well it circulates by car these days I could see in one of those great commercials that you see while driving "Back to school" is just around the corner.

"By God - I thought - but if we are still in mid-August ...". In the announcement you could see smiling children with backpack announcing I do not know what discounts and I do not know how many corticosteroids, a word that, along with the phrase “back to school”, has always given me a special repelús (I have never known what the Corticoles until recently, I guess because I have never wanted to hear on holidays words that carry “cole”, like cholesterol or collection, for example).

The fact is that, although I no longer return to school, but return to work and although returning does not involve much trauma, seeing the aforementioned poster brought me pleasant memories of when, even on vacation and still in August, children with backpacks could be seen on television announcing the happy return to school.

I do not know what feelings you had at the time, but I particularly knew summer vacations little by little despite having three months, since they meant good weather, games, fun and freedom.

To return to school, on the other hand, was to return to the norms, to the rigidity, to have to spend several hours sitting listening to few interesting things and many other inflatables, to take several homework sheets and mark me, as good intentions for the course , go studying every day to not leave everything for the last, purpose that lasted a couple of weeks.

The fact is that I observe, two decades later, that the announcements of merchandising school children continue to get ahead (of course if we take into account that there are only two weeks left before school starts) and that it continues to cause me the same restlessness as in the past, when I left hives watching ads for notebooks and backpacks while eating ice cream in a swimsuit.

Video: For People Who Skip Ads (July 2024).