My daughter is no longer a baby and I have a thousand mixed feelings

There is a phrase, whose author I do not know, which I consider perfectly defines how motherhood is or rather, life with young children: the days are long, but the years are short. And it is so true.

The first years, with all those unveiled and the occasional tantrum may seem eternal, but then one day we realize that our children have grown up, and in reality, the years have been very short. So today I share a little reflection, in which I realize that my daughter is no longer a baby and I have a thousand mixed feelings.

Sometimes, if I think about it very carefully and allow my memory to do its part, I can still see that pregnant belly when I was waiting for my daughter. It's funny how during the last quarter I was desperate because my daughter was born, but the next few months I still touched my belly hoping to feel her there.

In Babies and more "When did you grow up so much, baby?"

I remember those first months full of sleepless nights, full of doubts and fears that seem to me like a very distant dream. Now I find it hard to believe that my almost five-year-old daughter was once a newborn, tiny and helpless, who depended on me all.

Although I probably felt very tired, overwhelmed and fearful back then, I hardly remember any of that. What is very present in my memory, is that baby who slept next to me, fed on my chest and gave me smiles and responded with little noises when I spoke tenderly.

Today that baby is a tall, beautiful and intelligent girl, who plays, laughs, sings and spends the day running and chattering of absolutely everything she sees and happens to her. And all that makes me wonder: when did you grow up so much, baby? And that's when a wave of emotions and feelings invades me, because motherhood has not only made me stronger and patient. It has also made me very cheesy and romantic.

Lazy Sunday… # MamaMillennial #toddlerlife #toddlermom #momswithcameras #mamalife # unamamámillennial #mamabloguera #madresreales #momlife #instamama #mamafeliz #mommylife #mamablogger #mommyblogger #instatoddler #realmotherm #mamamalogue #mamablogm #mamablog #mamablog momsohard #motherhoodsimplified #vscomom #motherhoodthroughinstagram #joyfulmamas #thehappynow #motherhoodsimplified

On the one hand, I am very happy and proud to see that every day my daughter grows and develops healthily, gradually becoming a more independent, strong and intelligent girl. But I can't help missing that baby that was once.

That little person who came to transform the life of the whole family, waking up in me a love that I didn't know and opening my eyes to strengths and abilities that I didn't know I had. She taught me the value of small things: a smile, a hug, a sigh, some fearful steps.

When I was a baby, every new thing was an event for her and every achievement became worthy of an entire celebration of which I am a part. There are still things that are, but no longer surprised as before and now, because now I see also likes to learn and memorize everything.

You can't love a child overnight. Imagine that we were all given to our children directly in their terrible two or in their pre-teens at four years old. We would probably say right now, young man. That is why life prepares us for nine months and then gives us tiny human beings so fragile that all we can do is give them our love and love. And so, little by little, these little angels steal your heart, until the day comes when you are madly in love without remedy. And every tantrum, crying, shouting or disagreement, becomes nothing, when you hear that little boy who was born crying, call you mommy. Boom Motherhood is a challenge. But it is full of mystical, magical, amazing moments. And definitely, of sweet awakenings ... # MamáMillennial #toddlermom #momswithcameras #mamalife # unamamámillennial #mamabloguera #madresreales #instamama #mamafeliz #mamablogger #mommyblogger #instatoddler #realmotherhood #mamablog #maternityreal #camemamotherm #momemotherm #momemotherm #momemotherm #momemotherm #momemotherm #momemotherm #momemotherm #momemotherm #momemotherm #momemotherm #momemotherm #momemotherm #momemotherm #momemotherm #momemotherm #momemotherm #momemotherm #momemotherm #momemotherm #momemotherm #momemotherm #momemotherm #momemotherm #momemotherm #momemotherm #momemotherm #momemotherm # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # daughterlove #momlifestyle #mymotherhood #igmotherhood #ig_motherhood #candidchildhood #thisismotherhood #joyfulmamas #mamarazzi

All that makes me very happy, because seeing her grow fills me with satisfaction. But also, sometimes I feel that an immense sadness invades me, because their hugs, which were long and long before, are now shorter and more rushed. And that breaks my heart, because it makes me realize that my baby is no longer a baby.

And it hurts a little to know that Although we will always love each other, it will never be like now that it is still small. In these first years, he has given me the purest, most tender and sincere love, that only babies and toddlers are able to give us.

In Babies and more Take advantage now that they are small: your children will be children only once

I remember when I hadn't slept the whole night and I begged the sky to grow soon, so that I could rest better at night and not feel like zombie the next day. Now she sleeps quietly all night, without needing Mom to hold her.

We still do colecho (and we will continue doing it until she no longer wants to), and Sometimes, when she is asleep next to me, I hug and whisper in her ear: "Please, don't grow up, okay?" Most precious of all, it seems that he listens to me, because he hugs me with that so cute attachment that children have.

Insert ultra mely cheesy caption here Can't think of any Well, I leave mine the most precious gift that life can give me (Yes, we like to go a little disheveled for life. That look impeccable is not exactly ours) … # MamaMillennial #toddlermom #momswithcameras #mamalife # unamamámillennial #mamabloguera #madresreales #instamama #mamafeliz #mamablogger #mommyblogger #instatoddler #realmotherhood #mamablog #realmoms #maternityreal #cameramama #bloggermotherhood #bloggermotherhood #bloggermotherhood #bloggermotherhood #bloggermotherhood #motherhood #mothermommommommommommommommommommommommommommommommommommommommommommommommommommommommommommommommommomm # daughterlove #momlifestyle #mymotherhood #igmotherhood #motherdaughtertime

The reality is that our children will be small only once, but they will still need us all their lives. So I may not have a baby anymore, but I do have a daughter who still needs me and for which I have much love to give.

So I will do my best and enjoy every stage with the good things it brings, Even if I feel my heart crush a little when I see those baby pictures, that social networks are responsible for reminding me from time to time.

Before having my daughter, I never imagined that "contradictory" would be a word with which I could define motherhood. Why although many times we want them to grow and grow older, at the same time we want them to always remain our babies.

And for mothers who still have babies of arms, I say the following: take advantage of this stage. Smell his hair, caress his little feet, take him in his arms, kiss his little hands and love him with all your might. Keep in your memory each one of these things, because although more amazing and beautiful things will follow, time flies, and one day you will miss them.

Video: YNW Melly - 772 Love Lyrics (July 2024).