Boys with long hair

There are children who, at some point, ask their parents to leave their hair long. I do not mean a few tufts below the ears, but a real mane by half back. But there are certain cultural pressures and customs that make parents doubt this desire.

My son decided to leave his long hair a couple of years ago, even when he grew up and discovered that long hair sometimes tangles and pulls annoy. But he loves her blond hair, combed with the middle parting and leaving her hair down.

Although he is very handsome and is not a mother's passion, and although he has become accustomed to sometimes confuse him with a girl, he is delighted with his hair, he has it very healthy and does not plan to cut it for now. I respected his decision and I'm glad I did.

For him it has a meaning of freedom, of not accepting the rules and not worrying about malicious comments. It makes him feel stronger and, in a sense, he sees it as a gesture of respect for his nature, as if cutting his hair because, simply, the boys wear it short, it was to reduce their masculinity or their essence to what society or the other children consider normal. And that, of course, fills me with pride.

Hair styling and hair length are, in many cultures, signs of belonging to a group, a way to convey gender visually and a source of pride. Many cultures encourage men to also wear long hair and there is no reason to prevent us from letting our children build their own image independently from the majority guidelines.

Once upon a time, another little boy has approached him offensively, but fortunately he has resources to avoid confrontation and respond firmly to any mockery. But it is also true that, curiously, his best friends tend to leave long hair too.

I would like you to tell us if your male children wear long hair, the reason for having decided and if they had any problem for that reason.

Video: 7-Year-Old Boys Hair Is Changing The Modeling Industry (July 2024).